Author: C.C. Hunter
Series: Shadow Falls #2
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Release date: October 11th 2011
Genres: YA Paranormal Romance
Links: Goodreads / Book Depository
Source: Bought paperback
From the moment Kylie Galen arrived at Shadow Falls Camp, she’s had one burning question: What am I? Surrounded by vampires, werewolves, shape-shifters, fairies and witches, Kylie longs to figure out her own supernatural identity…and what her burgeoning powers mean. And now she’ll need them more than ever, because she’s being haunted by a new spirit who insists that someone Kylie knows—and loves—will die before the end of the summer. If only she only knew who she was supposed to save. And how…
But giving Kylie the most trouble is her aching heart. Gorgeous werewolf Lucas left camp with another girl, but he’s still visiting Kylie in her dreams. And Derek, a sexy half Fae who’s always been there for her when she needed him, is pushing to get more serious—and growing impatient, especially when Lucas returns. Kylie knows she needs to decide between the boys, and it’s tearing her up inside.
Yet romance will have to wait, because something from the dark side of the supernatural world is hiding in Shadow Falls. It’s about to threaten everything she holds dear…and bring her closer to her destiny.
Loved it! This was a fantastic sequel to a great series. CC Hunter has done it again when it comes to writing a compelling and addictive read.
Kylie Galen is still trying to come to terms with being a supernatural. Although she finds some benefits to her new abilities she is still frustrated as she doesn't know exactly what she is. No one seems to know and with each passing week and questions going unanswered she becomes more and more disheartened. I really felt for Kylie. Hunter did a great job at portraying how Kylie felt and the reader is able to connect with her. You feel what she feels and you are kept guessing along with her as to what she is.
Along with this stress Kylie also feels like she is being watched. There is an evil force out there and she must figure out what it wants with her before it is too late. Add to that a ghost who keeps telling her that someone she loves is going to die unless she does something and you wonder how the girl hasn't broken down yet.
Now you can't have a good YA book without some romance. And boy is there no shortage of it here! Kylie is torn between the sweet half Fae Derek and the sexy werewolf Lucas. When Lucas returns to the camp and says he wants to pick things up with Kylie, she becomes more confused than ever. Although I really like Derek, I am Team Lucas all the way! I'm a sucker for werewolves. There is also trouble in paradise when it comes to Miranda and Perry. These two both really like each other, they both know it, but they are both two stubborn to do anything about it. Holiday has problems of her own in the form of the handsome vampire Burnett. Talk about drama!
Things start to get really interesting near the end of the book and I was clued to the page. When I finished I wanted to jump right into book 3. Can't believe I have to wait until April! I need to know what happens next!
Overall this was an enjoyable and addictive read. It had everything a YA lover could want and more. Suspense, romance, paranormal beings, humour. It's got everything. If you haven't read this series yet then you should! You will not be disappointed.
“A verbal ménage à trois,” Della said.
“Gross,” Miranda said.
“You wanna hear gross?” Della asked. “I just peed on my hand trying
to piss on this damned drug stick while talking on the phone to you.”
Kylie laughed. “I miss you guys.” The sound of a toilet flushing filled
the line.
“Oh, double gross,” Miranda snapped. “I told you not to flush while I
was on the phone.”
“Gross,” Miranda said.
“You wanna hear gross?” Della asked. “I just peed on my hand trying
to piss on this damned drug stick while talking on the phone to you.”
Kylie laughed. “I miss you guys.” The sound of a toilet flushing filled
the line.
“Oh, double gross,” Miranda snapped. “I told you not to flush while I
was on the phone.”
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