Monday, 14 May 2012

BLOG TOUR - See by Jamie Magee (Review and Giveaway)

Welcome to our stop on the See Blog Tour.
I am so excited to be a part of this tour and just want to thank Jamie for giving me the opportunity to read See.

About the Book:
Forgetting who you are, your ambitions, your love is crippling….but remembering – embracing your purpose with a new sense of determination is more than empowering….its life altering. Charlie Myers is on a life altering path that will cause the dammed to humble in silence…
One night…just a few friends how could it go so wrong? That was the question seventeen year old Charlie Myers was asking when she found herself in the ER. Outwardly nothing was wrong with Charlie, she was a vision of perfect heath, internally she was battling a raging headache…one the doctor told her she would overcome shortly, but Charlie knew something else was wrong …very wrong.
Part of her had been stolen….she was missing memories. Those memories were sacred. They held the key to her sanity. They told her that the sinister whispers, the shadows that came to life before her were not as ominous as she felt they were. They held the bond with her late father, a famed musician. They caused her to forget the one talent that allowed her to face the darkness that haunted her every waking hour. They also masked a much deeper bond, the face of the one that had stolen her heart, long before the age of seventeen.
Sitting in the ER with her angry mother she couldn’t figure out what she missing – or even how. Her thoughts told her that she needed to protect Britain, a friend of hers, but that didn’t make any sense – Britain didn’t need to be protected from anyone, he was strong, young, and absurdly wealthy. Charlie also knew that even though her friend Bianca called Charlie her best friend that she didn’t trust her ….she was almost sure she despised her, but she couldn’t figure out why – or understand how random thoughts were telling her that she adored both Britain and Bianca – that they were her saviors – that they brought silence to the unstoppable whispers….but the silence scared Charlie. In her mind anyone or anything that could bring silence to something that dark could not be good.
Charlie wanted to stay in NY, figure out what she was missing, why, and who was behind it all, but her mother had other plans. Against her will, Charlie was sent to Salem to live with her sister….within that small town Charlie found her memories….and so much more.
Her story begins now.


See follows Charlie as she tries to piece together her memory and find out what all the strange stuff is that is happening around her. To say that I liked this book would be an understatement. I LOVED it! I am ashamed to say that this is the first book by Jamie that I have read but I can safely say that it won't be the last.
We are taken on a journey of self-discovery aided by the power of music. The reader is just as confused and frustrated as Charlie in what happened the night her memories were taken. She feels scared and powerless and must find a way to gain back her memories and discover why she can see the shadows and hear the whispers that call out to her. This particular aspect of the story is what intrigued me about the book. I wanted to know just as much as Charlie what the shadows wanted. I was kept guessing throughout what they were and when I found out I was surprised I didn't figure it out before hand. You are kept in suspense all through the book. Nothing was given away too early which made me want to keep reading.
This book is as dark as it is uplifting. On one side you have Britain and Bianca, two characters which you are wary of from the beginning, not knowing whether they wanted to help or hurt Charlie. From the get go I knew Bianca was one to watch out for and I still have my doubts about Britain. On the other side however you have Charlie's real friends, Madison, Aden and Draven. I loved these characters. They really were the friends that Charlie needed to help her through all the mess and help her regain her memory. I especially loved the twins, Aden and Draven.
The main reason I loved this book was for the music aspect of it. I never truly realized the power of music until I read this book. It was a central character all of its own. I was moved to my core and brought to tears so many times. I could just imagine what the playlist for this book would be like. I think if I heard it I would be a blubbering mess!

This book is breathtaking, heartbreaking, uplifting and addictive with a very powerful message at its core. It is one book that needs to be on everyone's shelf.

"Most of the music I listened to was instrumental with only a few lyrics here and there. I liked how it allowed you to make the song whatever you wanted. It was easy to feel the emotion of the creator, but the way the music was written seemed to be individualized, meaning that each person that listened to the music heard something different; it just depended on what they were going through in their own lives."


And now for the best part.
For each stop Jamie wants to give away a free ebook of SEE along with bookmarks and a guitar pick (which are pretty awesome btw!) Just see for yourself...

For the entire tour Jamie wants to give away a printed/ signed copy of SEE and Insight (her debut) along with bookmarks and picks - as well as a 25$ amazon gift card. In order to enter for the big prize Jamie will draw from all of the comments on the tour. The blog tour list is below so you can check out all the other stops and be in with a better chance of winning.

The more you comment the more your name goes in the pot! To gain an extra entry you can follow Jamie's new Blog
You can also like and comment on her FB page telling her we sent you.

You can also find Jamie on Twitter

So comment below to be entered to win an ebook of See, bookmarks and a guitar pick. Also to be entered in the grand prize of the blog tour. Be sure to thank Jamie!

Tour Schedule:

May 2nd: - Sassy Book Lovers  
May 3rd: - Jamie Magee: Author of the 'Insight' series
May 4th: - Seduced By Books
May 5th: - The Reading Geek
May 6th: - Page Flipperz
May 8th: -  Taking it One Book at a Time
May 9th: - Moon Stars Fantasy World 
May 10th: - Better Read Than Dead
May 11th: - Book Reader Addicts
May 12th: - Paranormal Reads
May 13th: - Judge Not By The Covers
May 14th: - The Shadow Realm
May 15th: - Ya-Aholic
May 16th: - Book Reader Addicts
May 17th: - 

Thanks for stopping by! :)