Saturday, 10 March 2012

Junk Miles by Liz Reinhardt 


I liked how "unputdownable" the book was. It flowed from chapter to chapter and i found it extremely hard to stop reading. 
I had some problems with this book such as Jake's neediness and Brenna's inability to defend herself. The worst part, I found, was the ending. . .I need to know what happens next! 
For the whole story I just wanted to hug Saxon- he really seems like he needs it. 
However character faults didn't take away from how good the book was because it just added to the realism in the story. 
The storyline was good but as I have read so many books with love triangles it gets a bit monotonous especially when they are related however, this was no fault of the book just my own bookshelf. 
Overall it was an enjoyable book.